Thursday, May 10, 2007

Quiet Night

I am childless once again! My two older boys and Kate have gone to the neighbors baseball game, and they are still gone. It's nearly 9:30 on a school night, and my kids haven't had dinner yet. That is nuts! But I do have to say, Brett took a very late nap, and I had several hours of quiet time while everyone was gone.

However, now once they get home--I have to figure out something to feed them quickly--and get them to bed! They have a bedtime of 8 pm, and they will be over 2 hours late by the time they actually get to bed!!

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is Sunday. I'm not sure what our plans are--but I'm thinking a brunch is in order--oooooh, or breakfast in bed! Of course, my husband burns everything--so that may not be such a good idea. We were going to go to Rob's husbands restaurant-but they have over 400 reservations-so I'm thinking we'll find something else.

If it's a beautiful day-I may just suggest a nice picnic at the park. Sit in the shade and let the kids play. Robyn did invite us over to her inlaws home-apparently the pool is open. Wow, it isn't even Memorial Day, and it's warm enough to grill and pool it! Amazing! I don't have suits for my kids yet-so depending on how much time I find between now and then -we'll see if we make it!